DataGuard in the

Press Releases

DataGuard appoints Johannes Kamleitner as CRO

DataGuard appoints Johannes Kamleitner as CRO

DataGuard, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company for security and compliance, is excited to announce the appointment of Johannes Kamleitner as Chief Revenue Office [...]

DataGuard acquires privacy SaaS company DPOrganizer

DataGuard acquires privacy SaaS company DPOrganizer

DataGuard acquires privacy SaaS company DPOrganizer to accelerate international expansion and strengthen security and compliance capabilities DataGuard, a leading S [...]

DataGuard appoints Christine Walch as VP Marketing

DataGuard appoints Christine Walch as VP Marketing

DataGuard, a leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company focused on Data Protection, Information Security, and Compliance, welcomes Christine Walch as Vice Preside [...]

DataGuard joins forces with Germany’s former state data protection commissioner, and foremost privacy expert, Dr. Stefan Brink

DataGuard joins forces with Germany’s former state data protection commissioner, and foremost privacy expert, Dr. Stefan Brink

Europe's leading Data Protection, Information Security and Compliance (PIC) platform DataGuard and Dr Stefan Brink’s scientific institute wida are proud to announce [...]

DataGuard raises €61 million Series B from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital and One Peak following triple-digit growth in demand for its all-in-one compliance and security platform

DataGuard raises €61 million Series B from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital and One Peak following triple-digit growth in demand for its all-in-one compliance and security platform

DataGuard is a leading compliance and security software company that helps organisations operationalise data privacy, information security, and compliance – enablin [...]

DataGuard appoints Dominik Herzig as VP Professional Services

DataGuard appoints Dominik Herzig as VP Professional Services

DataGuard, the compliance software company, welcomes Dominik Herzig as new Vice President of Professional Services. Based at DataGuard’s UK office in London, he wil [...]

DataGuard appoints Michelle Schrey as VP of Finance

DataGuard appoints Michelle Schrey as VP of Finance

DataGuard, the compliance software company with a focus on data privacy and information security, has hired Michelle Schrey as VP of Finance. Schrey has over 10 yea [...]

Capital Bay and 360 Operator turn to DataGuard for data privacy

Capital Bay and 360 Operator turn to DataGuard for data privacy

Expert guidance coupled with a digital approach: real estate company Capital Bay and exclusive partner 360 Operator launch DataGuard cooperation with their operator [...]

DataGuard appoints Ben Harknett as VP International

DataGuard appoints Ben Harknett as VP International

The data privacy specialist’s London site expands in response to increased customer inquiries DataGuard, the data protection and information security company, has h [...]

DataGuard launches

DataGuard launches "InfoSec-as-a-Service" solution

The combination of a digital web platform and individual support from certified experts enables companies to efficiently implement their information security goals. [...]

DataGuard launches new Consent and Preference Management platform: “DataGuard Consent Management”

DataGuard launches new Consent and Preference Management platform: “DataGuard Consent Management”

Data privacy and information security company DataGuard has integrated a comprehensive consent and preference management platform into their “Privacy-as-a-Service” [...]

DataGuard hires Nina Grandin as Chief People Officer

DataGuard hires Nina Grandin as Chief People Officer

DataGuard, the data privacy and information security company, has appointed Nina Grandin as Chief People Officer. Grandin is responsible for driving DataGuard’s peo [...]

DataGuard Acquires MyLife Digital (MLD) from Inc & Co and Launches Consent and Preference Management Platform

DataGuard Acquires MyLife Digital (MLD) from Inc & Co and Launches Consent and Preference Management Platform

The data privacy and information security company DataGuard has joined forces with UK consent and preference management platform (CPMP) provider MyLife Digital, add [...]

DataGuard Raises $20 Million Growth Round from One Peak

DataGuard Raises $20 Million Growth Round from One Peak

German privacy and compliance software company DataGuard raises $20m funding round from London-based growth investor One Peak DataGuard’s Privacy-as-a-Service solut [...]

Performance on data protection on Munich's Marienplatz at 17:00

Performance on data protection on Munich's Marienplatz at 17:00

The Munich-based legal technology company DataGuard will raise awareness on the subject of data protection on Munich’s Marienplatz next Monday (28.01.2019). In a li [...]

Live Performance for the upcoming European Data Protection Day on 28.01.2019 in Berlin

Live Performance for the upcoming European Data Protection Day on 28.01.2019 in Berlin

With a live performance, the legal technology company DataGuard in Berlin sets an example for data protection. Today, on 25.01.2019 between 10:30 and 14:30, passers [...]

The app DataDuell gives data protection a playful touch.

The app DataDuell gives data protection a playful touch.

With the DataDuell app, the legal technology company DataGuard makes its contribution to the European Data Protection Day on 28.01.2019. DataGuard is committed to p [...]

DataGuard becomes Telekom's official partner for data protection

DataGuard becomes Telekom's official partner for data protection

Telekom and DataGuard are partnering up to provide a comprehensive data protection solution to corporations as well as small and mid-sized businesses who do not hav [...]

Press Reviews

  • techcrunch longo logo

    DataGuard locks down $61M for data protection as a service

    September 22, 2022

    Companies are facing hundreds of millions of dollars in fines these days for failing to comply with data protection and data privacy rules, and that’s driving wave of organizations, and their users, to get more serious about data protection. One of the byproducts of that has been the emergence of new technology to meet that increase in activity.

  • Gruenderszene_Logo_

    Dataguard sammelt 61 Millionen Euro für seine Sicherheits-und Compliance-Plattform

    September 22, 2022

    Dataguard, ein Software-as-a-Service-Startup für Datenschutz, Informationssicherheit und Compliance, hat in einer Serie-B-Runde 61 Millionen Euro aufgebracht. Neben den Lead-Geldgebern Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital und dem Bestandsinvestor One Peak beteiligten sich auch einige Angel-Investoren an der Runde. Dataguard, das Büros in München, Berlin, London und Wien hat, will mit den neuen Mitteln seine Marktposition in Europa und den USA weiter ausbauen sowie sein Produktportfolio erweitern.

  • Euroforum Logo

    6 Maßnahmen für den sicheren Datentransfer in Drittländer

    16. März 2022

    Am 16. Juli 2020 ging ein großer Ruck durch die Datenschutzwelt: Das sogenannte Schrems-II-Urteil des EuGH erklärte das US-Privacy Shield, das zuvor die Grundlage für Datentransfers in die USA gebildet hatte, für ungültig. Die Folge: Personenbezogene Daten durften plötzlich nicht mehr ohne Weiteres in die USA übermittelt werden.

  • 2000px-Computerwoche-Logo.svg

    Selbstdarstellung auf Kosten des Datenschutzes?

    Juni 29, 2022

    Der Generation Z sind Social-Media-Bekanntheit und personalisierte Customer Experience wichtig, auch zulasten der Privatsphäre. Aber: Sie will Transparenz.

  • logo-2

    Datenschutz verbessert die digitale Nachhaltigkeit

    Juni 29, 2022

    Kommentar von Dr. Frank Schemmel zu Strategien, wie Datenschutz die digitale Nachhaltigkeit verbessert

  • SecurityInsider

    Informationssicherheit „as a Service“ von DataGuard

    August 04, 2021

    DataGuard hat eine „Informationssicherheit-as-a-Service“-Lösung freigegeben, die die persönliche Beratung durch Branchenexperten und eine Web-Plattform, die als Informationssicherheits-Managementsystem (ISMS) dient, kombiniert.

  • merkur

    Beliebter Job-Fehler: E-Mails mit Empfängern in CC versenden

    Juli 27, 2021

    Erwähnung eines DataGuard-Gastbeitrags

  • techcrunch longo logo

    DataGuard, which provides GDPR and privacy compliance-as-a-service, raises $20M

    September 28, 2020

    Watchdogs have started to raise the issue that new working practices and online activity necessitated by the spread of the coronavirus pandemic are creating new sets of privacy, security and data protection challenges. Today a startup is announcing a growth round of funding to help online businesses navigate those issues better.

  • handelsblatt

    Finanzierungsprobleme: So steht es um die Überlebenschancen deutscher Start-ups in der Coronakrise

    März 25, 2020

    Dataguard hat trotz Krise 20 Millionen Euro eingesammelt und könnte nun als Profiteur daraus hervorgehen. Für andere Start-ups wird es eng.

  • handelsblatt

    Datenschutz im Abo: Diese Plattform von Dataguard könnte zum Exportschlager werden

    Dezember 5, 2019

    Das Start-up von Thomas Regier und Kivanç Semen analysiert Sicherheitslücken und bietet Softwarelösungen. Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung treibt ihnen die Kunden zu.

  • CRN

    Datenschutz-as-a-Service für Telekom-Geschäftskunden

    Mai 15, 2019

    Die Telekom kooperiert mit dem Münchner Startup DataGuard: Ab sofort können die Geschäftskunden des Konzerns »Datenschutz-as-a-Service« von DataGuard über den Vertrieb der Telekom buchen.

  • WirtschaftsWoche

    Was seit Einführung der DSGVO passiert ist

    April 25, 2019

    Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung ist seit einem Jahr in Kraft. Viele Befürchtungen sind bisher nicht eingetreten. Was aber ist passiert in dem Jahr, vor dem viele Angst hatten?

  • Frankfurter Allgemeine

    Mit der DSGVO kam der Erfolg

    April 15, 2019

    15.04.2019 – Dataguard berät kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Sachen Datenschutz und macht die DSGVO so zum Geschäftsmodell. Doch die Gründer wollen nicht nur Geld verdienen, sie haben auch eine Mission.

  • SecurityInsider

    5 Experten über den Datenschutz 2019

    Januar 23, 2019

    Das digitale Eigentum gelangte spätestens seit der DSGVO in den Fokus. Und auch wenn sich die Verhandlungen weiter verzögern, könnte 2019 der Upload-Filter für einschneidende Impulse sorgen.


Known From

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About us

DataGuard is a Software-as-a-Service company focused on privacy, information security, and compliance. We are the trusted partner to over mid-sized enterprises (SME) and corporates operating in over 50 countries. Customers use our platform to comply with regulation (e.g., GDPR, CCPA, EU Whistleblower Directive) and obtain information security certifications (e.g., ISO 27001, TISAX®, SOC 2). Our end-to-end solution drastically reduces the time and money companies spend to keep their personal data protected, their information and assets secure, and their business processes compliant. This enables them to build trust, mitigate risks, prevent breaches, and achieve their business goals. We have almost 250 team members globally with offices in Munich, Berlin, London, and Vienna.

