Customer Advisory Board Logo-1 Customer Advisory Board Logo-1

Our mission is to empower businesses across the globe to thrive through Privacy, Information Security and Compliance – with a best-in-class SaaS platform, tailored to their realities and needs.

This is why we regularly bring together a selected group of customers from diverse industries to understand their specific challenges, hear their valuable feedback, and collaboratively improve our products to best serve their needs.

Welcome to the DataGuard
Customer Advisory Board!

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Customer Testimonial Mehmet Yilmaz CAB

Mehmet Yilmaz

Co-Founder, Zavvy, Ex-Freeletics

“Being part of DataGuard’s Customer Advisory Board gives us the chance to improve a game-changing product that helps us build trust with our customers and be one step ahead of the competition.”

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Consumers want their personal data to be handled securely and their privacy to be respected – companies want to fuel their businesses with high-quality data from these consumers. That's why regulations like the GDPR have been put in place to ensure consumers can trust businesses and give them the information they want freely.



In InfoSec, it’s not only about protecting personal data, but also company information and reputation, blueprints, knowledge, facilities, and employees. Most companies whose information security has been certified (ISO 27001) can confidently say that they are also privacy compliant, and consequently prove they are secure and trustworthy.



Compliance essentially means adhering to applicable laws, regulations, standards and ethical practices. Making Privacy and InfoSec an integral part of a company’s processes are the first steps towards a holistic compliance concept. To make it a success, businesses need to live compliance across all functions and create a cultural shift to get everyone onboard.

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At DataGuard, we are convinced that only a holistic approach to these topics will create a safe and trustful environment for businesses and individuals alike.

With our automated SaaS platform, we aim to enable businesses, boost awareness, and ultimately make compliance a joint effort to create trust inside and outside the company.

“The Customer Advisory Board gives us as customers the possibility to actively shape the future of privacy and compliance, and to adjust DataGuard’s products to our needs and requirements.”

Christoph Herold
Chief Transformation Officer @ CBTL

“The hybrid approach of combining a platform with personal expertise makes DataGuard unique. The model strikes the perfect balance between eye-level support and automation to actively educate employees and partners.”

Julia Richter
Chief Operating Officer @ Signatrix GmbH

Julia Richter CAB

Julia Richter

Chief Operating Officer,
Signatrix GmbH
Mehmet Yilmaz CAB

Mehmet Yilmaz

Zavvy, Ex-Freeletics
Christoph Herold CAB

Christoph Herold

Chief Development Officer,
Anselm Popp CAB

Anselm Popp

Legal Counsel,
Testo SE & Co. KGaA
Stefan Doderer CAB

Stefan Doderer

Chief Financial Officer ,
Hosta - Werk für Schokolade-Spezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG
Desiree Grohmann CAB

Desiree Grohmann

Legal Counsel,
RMS Radio Marketing Service GmbH & Co. KG

Daniel Ring

Legal Counsel Legal & Compliance, Attorney at Law,