In diesem Gespräch wird ein Compliance-Experte:
- Ihre geschäftlichen Compliance-Anforderungen im Detail mit Ihnen besprechen
- Ihnen eine individualisierte Tour durch DataGuards expertengeführte, tech-gestützte Lösung geben
- Alle spezifischen Fragen beantworten, die Sie zum Thema GDPR, ISO 27001, TISAX® oder NIS2 haben
- Ihnen branchenspezifische und individuelle Tipps geben, wie Sie in Ihrer Industrie am besten compliant bleiben
Bereits Unternehmen vertrauen uns
Bis zu 50%
Günstiger als andere Berater
Bis zu 300%
Steigerung der Opt-in-Rate mit Consent & Preference Management
3 Monate
Audit – bereits ab 3 Monaten möglich
Erfolgsrate beim ersten Versuch in externen Audits für eine Zertifizierung nach ISO 27001 und TISAX®
100 Std.
Sparen Sie bis zu 100 Stunden manuelle Arbeit für eine ISO 27001-Zertifizierung oder Label für eine Zertifizierung nach TISAX®
Viele namhafte Marken vertrauen auf uns
Entdecken Sie, warum brands4friends, Demodesk & Unternehmen auf DataGuard vertrauen.
Das sagen unsere Kunden über uns
“Getting ISO 27001 certified was a critical step to demonstrate our commitment to the market that we manage data in the most efficient and secure way.”
“We increased our marketing database by 20% in just six months and are looking to double the opt-in rate by end of the year.”
“Working with consulting firms could have taken 50-80% more time to setup an ISMS. With DataGuard, we felt cared for and supported, even in challenging times.”
“Trying to find the right solution was a complete minefield. There was no understanding or empathy. We are dealing with sensitive data and needed extra help. Nobody took the time to really understand...
“When we started signing corporates and bigger companies, we realised data privacy plays a key role in our brand's perceived business ethics."
“Our schedule was less than 6 months, and it would have been impossible without DataGuard.”
“Caring about data privacy is just common courtesy. It shows that you care just as much about your customers themselves as you do about them spending money with your company. If we only cared about...
“Better safe than sorry. ISO 27001 and GDPR compliance were make or break for our business"
“E-commerce is all about people. We do more than just store personal data: we monetize it. This makes it critical for us to stay on the safe side of data protection law. DataGuard helps us do exactly...
“DataGuard's team of privacy experts is what makes the difference. They don't just tell us "do it like this", they also explain why it should be done in a specific way – which helps broaden my team's...
“Parconomy’s solution is aimed primarily at parking garage operators and mobility providers – both municipal and commercial. Data privacy is a top priority for these target groups – and that's a good...
"Strong data protection practices are a great argument in favour of a company. People really care about this. And if customers care about it, then businesses need to care about it, too. With the help...
"The requirements with regard to data privacy and information security recently increased massively with our automotive customers, similarly to our industrial customers from other industries."
"With DataGuard, there’s a certain amount of hours included in our package. It covers the amount of questions that I have and gives me peace of mind that I won’t get a huge invoice at the end of the...
“We were introduced to DataGuard and they were able to provide us with the perfect solution at the time we needed it. DataGuard gives us peace of mind and helps us sleep well at night. If you want to...
“We chose a professional solution that covers a spectrum which an individual internal data protection officer cannot provide – neither in terms of expertise nor in terms of time."
“As a non-profit, we often work with so much personal data – names, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. We have to be on the safe side when it comes to privacy.”
“DataGuard allows us to automate responses which saves time and money. And if we ever have a question, they have a team of experts standing by to help. It is like having a pain reliever."
“Previously, all data privacy queries ended up on my desk. Now, the platform is the linchpin. Colleagues can find all their necessary to-dos, templates, documentation, and training courses easily and...
TISAX® ist eine eingetragene Marke der ENX Association. DataGuard steht in keiner geschäftlichen Verbindung zu ENX. Wir bieten lediglich Beratung und Unterstützung zur Vorbereitung auf das Assessment nach TISAX® an. Die ENX Association übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die auf der DataGuard-Website dargestellten Inhalte.
Alle Angaben dienen lediglich der Information und beruhen auf internen Schätzungen. Diese Informationen sind kein Indikator für KPIs und werden ohne ausdrückliche oder stillschweigende Zusicherungen oder Garantien in Bezug auf Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit gegeben.